Talent Development

As a learning organisation, Top Glove strives to create a culture of continuous learning and development. Our motto, Must Know, Must Do, Must Teach is embedded into every component of the company’s operations.

Our employees receive on-the-job coaching and training, and are engaged in professional class room development. This is to ensure they are equipped with competencies needed for their present job as well as future advancement. Besides the conventional learning approach, our training platform includes e-learning.

Training hours and training investment for FY 2023

117,571.57 hours

Average training hours per employee

RM 2,666,570

Average amount spent on training


Leadership Talk Series

With Top Glove’s aspiration to become a Forbes & Fortune Global (FG) 500 company by 2030 in mind, Group HR, Talent Development has initiated the “Leadership Talk Series” to invite key leaders from industry players to conduct sharing sessions on their best leadership and organizational practices. Through these sessions, our leaders are able to gain valuable key takeaways for them to emulate successes from these companies. ​

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Structured Packing Executive Enrichment & Development (S.P.E.E.D) Programme
Human Resources Operations Excellence Certification Programme (HROECP) ​
Top Glove Technical Skills Development (TGTSD) Programme


“SHE Is” Women Empowerment Talks​
'Say NO to Sexual Harassment and Bullying at the Workplace' Workshop
Women Empowerment Series

Learn Anytime, Anywhere

Top Glove not only embraces continuous learning but also never fails to make learning fun. Understanding the need to connect learning with convenience, our Talent Development roll out digital learning in the form of bite-sized online modules and mobile learning approaches. With that, we stepped into high gear, releasing various learning modules via our Learning Management System (LMS) platform, which includes external off-the shelf module, internally developed modules, YouTube videos, TED videos and many more.

Performance Management System (PMS) training

Performance Management System (PMS) training is one of our Unconscious Bias Training for All Employees. This PMS training is made compulsory to ensure that 100% of our Managers Completed Company Provided Unconscious Bias Training.  

In FY2022, we undertook a comprehensive revamp of our Performance Management System (PMS), introducing a complete training program consisting of 5 modules. Throughout the entire performance review period, the process beings with a goal setting conversation, where employees and superiors establish performance objectives for the new financial year. The system provides an avenue for continuous performance updates and enables superior to track team members’ achievements, as well engage in performance coaching conversations to provide guidance and support. 

This includes two 360° performance reviews, one during the mid-year review and another at year-end review, where employees are encouraged to provide feedback for their circle of influence, including managers, peers, and direct reports. To ensure fair ratings, superior will then appraise their subordinates’ overall performance and determine the performance rating, followed by calibration sessions conducted with department and factory heads to avoid any elements of unconscious bias or favouritism. 

Finally, there is clear and transparent communication on the final performance level to ensure that employees understand the outcomes of the performance review process. We are integrating 40% of our ESG KPIs into company's group KPI to ensure a holistic approach in measuring and managing performance and it is communicated during the goal setting discussion between superior and employee.