Top Glove Corporation Bhd expects the highest standard of integrity from all our employees and business associates. We take a serious view of any wrongdoings by any of its employees, management, directors and business associates in particular with respect to their obligations to the company’s interest.

Whistleblowing is a disclosure of bribery / corruption, fraud, grievances / misconduct or others: policies & procedures malfunction.

Top Glove whistleblowing policy and procedures was further enhanced in year 2020 while promoting the transparency and openness, it serves as a platform to uphold and further strengthen the Company’s integrity and reputation. All information provided by whistleblower will be taken seriously and treated confidentially in accordance with the law under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010.

Disclosures can be submitted through email and mail box as mentioned in the details below with the strictest confidence:


For more information, kindly refer to

TG Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures.


Attention to Designated Senior Officer, DSO

Via mail box:

PO BOX #911
L2-08, Level 2, Cheras Leisure Mall,
Jalan Manis 6, Taman Segar,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Please mark the envelope “Strictly Confidential. To be opened by the addressee ONLY.”

*All disclosures will be treated in the strictest confidence

Remark: * compulsory to fill up