11 December 2021 / 12:12

Top Glove the worlds largest manufacturer of gloves, has pleaded to uphold principles listed in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP BHR).

With all board of directors present, the group committed to uphold and demonstrate the best practices as articulated in the UNGP BHR, which includes the protection of human rights; to have and exercise corporate responsibility, and to provide greater remedies for victims of business related human rights abuse.

The glovemaker who in that past had been embroiled in labour issues with US Customs has moves pass the matter and embarked on enforcing principle in worker welfare and other community activities.

Under the UNGP, there are a set of 31 principles for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operations.

Its main 3 pillars are, Protect: outlining the State’s responsibility to oversight, enforce laws, and take additional steps to protect against human rights abuses. Respect: outlining business enterprises’ responsibility in making reference to international human rights framework, have policies and processes in place and track effectiveness; and remedy: outlining taking appropriate steps and ensuring effectiveness; business enterprises, industry and multiple stakeholders ensuring effective grievance mechanisms.

Taking the pledge symbolises the Company’s commitment towards upholding the highest standards of international human rights, ensuring the welfare and wellbeing of its workforce of 22,000 people is taken care of.

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